ATTENTION DOG TRAINERS!...want to spend more time training dogs & less on the 'business”?

Discover the "Business In A Box" Solution that Frees You to Do What You Love - Train More Dogs Without the Business Hassle

Stop Losing Money, Time and Clients as You Juggle Your Business Across Multiple Costly Platforms…

It's Time to Say Goodbye to Overwhelm and Skyrocketing Costs in your Dog Training Business!

Hey there, it's Doggy Dan! 🐾

Look, I've trained tons of dog professionals and here's what I've found.

There are TWO TYPES of trainers out there. 

The first group is stuck in what I call "Old-School Overwhelm."

They can't get their website to work, they're drowning in outdated tools and methods, and always struggling to get enough clients booked in…😫

Their outdated website is confusing, unclear and repels more clients than it attracts.  

  • They're handing out business cards at events because their social media game is non-existent.

  • They're jotting down appointments in notebooks, leading to double-bookings and missed opportunities to train more dogs. 🤯

  • During a family BBQ, they get a frantic call about a missed consultation—they'd written it down somewhere but forgot to follow it up. 

  • They feel like they’re getting left behind and their love for dogs is being ignored because they're not tech-savvy.

But then there's the second group, who have discovered a special secret way of operating…

They've got a sleek, user-friendly website that even their clients' dogs would want to click on. 

No more business cards; their social media presence does all the talking, filled with success stories and cute dog pics that people can't help but share.

Appointments, clients, marketing, and more—all managed effortlessly in one place, leaving zero room for errors or double bookings.

  • When they walk into a local dog show, people put down their phones just to chat with them, eager to learn their secrets.

  • At family gatherings, they're the success story,the one who turned a passion for dogs into a thriving, modern business. One that is actually making good money.

  • They feel like they've hit the jackpot financially, and they’re finally free to do what they love most—training dogs to be the best they can be.

  • Payments are a breeze—clients can prepay for consults, settle invoices via email or text, or swipe a card on the spot. No more wallet guesswork, just a smooth cash flow.

They've ditched the overwhelm and streamlined

their entire operation. 

So, what's the secret sauce? 🤔

It's the DTA “Business-in-a-Box”.

This "Business In A Box" platform has everything you

need, from your own Pre-Built Website to an easy way to

keep track of customers and even a guide to help you get

more business.

It's your dog training “Swiss Army knife”.

Ready to ditch the old-school mess for a sleek,

dog-focused business?

Trust me, make the switch, and you'll be the dog

trainer everyone's wagging their tails about. 

🐾 Raving Reviews from Our

First Pack of Satisfied Trainers! 🐾

This Is Tail-Waggingly Perfect for You If: 


You want a great looking website QUICKLY, that makes people book you immediately because of what you offer.


You're FED UP with using too many apps and want one simple tool to run your dog training work.


You're done wasting money on pricey tools that don't work well together. You want a smart, affordable fix.


You're OVERWHELMED with with tech headaches and want to spend more time making dogs happy.


You're eager for a simpler way to boost your business.

If you're nodding your head to any of these, then you're in the right place. 

Keep reading to discover how we can make your dog training business a howling success!

Introducing the DTA "Business In A Box" Platform That Can Book More Clients, Cut Your Desk Time and Let You Train More Dogs Than Ever Before!

The DTA “Business In A Box” Has Everything You Need To

Streamline to Profit: Simply personalize your Pre-Built Website with your logo and details, then combine customer tracking, emails, and web pages into one easy tool. It's like having a full-time assistant that boosts your revenue while cutting costs by over 80%.

Automated Outreach, Maximized Earnings: Your emails and texts go out by themselves, reaching the right people at the right time!

Be Everywhere Without Lifting a Finger: Schedule calls and social media posts from the same dashboard. It's as if you're in multiple places at once, capturing every lead and never missing an appointment.

Data-Driven Decisions, Zero Guesswork: Your business's most vital metrics displayed on a single, easy-to-read dashboard. Make informed decisions without sifting through multiple tools.

"Business In A Box" Savings: Replace Wordpress, Wix, HubSpot, ActiveCampaign, SalesMsg, and so much more with one platform for only $97/month. It's not just convenience; it's a financial no-brainer.

Easy Pay, Easy Day: Prepay consults, send invoices, and swipe cards on the spot. It's your virtual cash register, keeping your earnings neat and tidy.

Finally! A Better Way to Streamline Your Dog Training Business and Stop Dealing with Fragmented Tools and Sky-High Costs!

Here’s Everything You Get With the DTA "Business In A Box" Platform


Pre-Built Website Templates

($297/mo Value)

Effortlessly launch your professional dog training website. Our ready-to-use template is designed to impress and convert visitors into clients, with no tech skills required. Just personalize and start attracting more dog lovers.


Unified Client Management Dashboard

($297/mo Value)

Your one-stop-shop for client interactions. Drag-and-drop dashboard to manage leads, schedule calls, and never miss a potential deal.


Automated Email & Text Marketing Suite

($49/mo Value)

Put your client outreach on autopilot. Segment your audience and send targeted emails and texts without lifting a finger.


Social Media Command Center

($29/mo Value)

Be omnipresent without the hassle. Schedule and post content across all your social media platforms from one dashboard.


Real-Time Reporting & Analytics

($49/mo Value)

No more guesswork. A single dashboard that shows you exactly how your business is performing.

PLUS These Insane Bonuses Worth $500!


Exclusive Access to In-Depth Training Videos

($300 Value)

Master the platform with our step-by-step training videos, ensuring you get the most out of your subscription.


For Annual Members Only:
Quick-Start Setup Service

($2,000 Value)

Opt for the annual subscription, and we'll set up your platform's preliminary settings for you.

Total Value Of All Features = $8,652/Year

Yours Today for Only $997/year or $97/month!

Get the DTA "Business In A Box" Platform NOW!

🚀 High-Converting Pre-Built Website Templates ($297/month Value)

🚀 Unified Client Management Dashboard ($297/month Value)

🚀 Automated Email & Text Marketing Suite ($49/month Value)

🚀 Social Media Command Center ($29/month Value)

🚀 Real-Time Reporting & Analytics ($49/month Value)

🚀 Quick-Start Setup Service ($2,000 Value - exclusive to Annual Members only)

🚀 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

🤩 Total Value of $8,652

2024 Price: $1997/yr or $197/mo

Yours Today for

Only $997/yr or $97/month


✅ YES! Give Me The DTA "Business In A Box" Platform NOW

Choose which option works for you:


  • High-Converting Pre-Built Website Templates ($297/month Value)

  • Unified Client Management Dashboard ($297/month Value)

  • Automated Email & Text Marketing Suite ($49/month Value)

  • Social Media Command Center ($29/month Value)

  • Real-Time Reporting & Analytics ($49/month Value)

  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee


🌟 BONUS #2: Exclusive Access to In-Depth Training Videos ($1,500 Value)

All Prices displayed in USD


  • High-Converting Pre-Built Website Templates ($297/month Value)

  • Unified Client Management Dashboard ($297/month Value)

  • Automated Email & Text Marketing Suite ($49/month Value)

  • Social Media Command Center ($29/month Value)

  • Real-Time Reporting & Analytics ($49/month Value)

  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee


🌟 BONUS #1: Quick-Start Setup Service ($2,000 Value - exclusive to Annual Members only)

🌟 BONUS #2: Exclusive Access to In-Depth Training Videos ($1,500 Value)

All Prices displayed in USD

About Doggy Dan

Doggy Dan is the founder of The Online Dog Trainer, a wildly successful online training program for dog owners. He has years of experience dealing with every type of behavioral dog issue and has worked with all breeds and ages of dogs. Over the last decade, he has helped over 60,000 people successfully train their dogs using the exact method found in the Dog Trainer Academy and has thousands of testimonials to show for it.

Since establishing himself as a respected dog trainer, Doggy Dan has written the bestselling book “What the Dogs Taught Me About Being a Parent”, published by Random House. On top of a successful book, 500,000 people from around the world subscribe to Doggy Dan’s blog and podcast, and he has been featured in numerous magazines.

Dan has also appeared as a regular guest on radio shows and made several TV appearances, recently showing up on The Real Housewives and judging Dog Almighty.

Dan is a big supporter of animal rights, and has written a number of internationally published articles, attended SPCA Conferences as Keynote speaker, and supports many dog related non-profits.

His goal is to continue to share his unique approach to dog training with like-minded people who wish to make a difference in the world of dogs. He hopes that his training methods, which focus on creating and building connections between dogs and dog owners, will be shared and used around the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Set It All Up For Me?

Yes! Just make sure you choose the Annual Plan, and we will provide our expert onboarding services to you, getting you up and running as soon as possible. Once you’re set up, all the training you need to keep growing is provided in step-by-step video tutorials. If you choose the monthly plan, then we have comprehensive training videos for every feature & setting to help you get started immediately.

How Does the Payment System Work in DTA "Business In A Box"?

Our platform streamlines payments in multiple ways. Get clients to prepay for consults, send invoices via email and text, and even accept card payments on the spot. It's secure, efficient, and all manageable from your dashboard.

What's New in the DTA "Business In A Box" Platform for Current Members?

As a current DTA member, you're getting exclusive first access to our new "Business In A Box" platform. This "Business In A Box" solution is designed to streamline every aspect of your dog training business, from website building and client management to social media posting.

How Does This Platform Benefit Me as a Current DTA Member?

This is your all-in-one solution for a profitable dog training biz. Plus, as a current DTA member, you'll get a special discounted rate of approximately $97/month.

Can I Customize the Platform to My Brand?

Absolutely! The platform is fully customizable. You can swap logos, add your contact information, and even connect various accounts like Google Calendar and Zoom. We've also prepared extensive training videos to help you tailor the platform to your needs.

What Kind of Support and Training Can I Expect?

You’ll get instant access to hours of in-depth training videos. These will guide you through each feature of the platform, ensuring you get the most out of your subscription.

How Long Will the Special Discounted Rate Be Available for Current DTA Members?

The special discounted rate of approximately $97/month is an exclusive offer for our current DTA members and will be available throughout the rest of 2023. Don't miss this chance to lock in your savings!

What if I decide that it is not for me, can I cancel immediately?

Yes! Give it a try, and if it’s not for you then simply contact our friendly support team and they will make sure your account is canceled. Any support queries can be sent to

Does this include advertising like Facebook ads or Google search advertising?

No, it does not provide any advertising to any paid platforms. But it DOES include a comprehensive guide on how to market and promote your business without having to use paid ads when you’re starting out.

Copyright © 2023 by The Online Dog Trainer Ltd. All rights Reserved